IPX9K testing is the most strictly IP rating, it is applied to test all auto parts besides the passenger compartment. The reference standards includes ISO20653 and DIN40050-9. Comparison sheet Item Standard requirement (ISO20653) IPX9K test chamber Temperature requirement 80±5℃ 250C (room temperature)~ 80±5℃ Pressure requirement 8000~10000Kpa 8000-10000Kpa Jet angle 0 0 , 30 0 , 60 0 , 90 0 0°30°60°90° Quantity of nozzles 4 4 Turntable speed 5±1r/min 5r/min Delivery rate 4L/min~16L/min 14~16L / min Test time 30s/angle *4 30S for each position schematic diagrams See from above sheet, the IPX9K test chamber is completely designed according to the standards, if necessary, the user can request the third-lab calibration certificate. If it is just the one you need, please contact us to get the formal quotation. IPX9K High Pressure High Temperature Jet Nozzle Test Chamber