

目前显示的是 六月, 2019的博文

IPX9K Ingress Protection Test Chamber Compare with the Stardard ISO20653

IPX9K testing is the most strictly IP rating, it is applied to test all auto parts besides the passenger compartment. The reference standards includes ISO20653 and DIN40050-9. Comparison sheet Item Standard requirement (ISO20653) IPX9K test chamber Temperature requirement 80±5℃ 250C (room temperature)~ 80±5℃ Pressure requirement 8000~10000Kpa 8000-10000Kpa Jet angle 0 0 , 30 0 , 60 0 , 90 0 0°30°60°90° Quantity of nozzles 4 4 Turntable speed 5±1r/min 5r/min Delivery rate 4L/min~16L/min 14~16L / min Test time 30s/angle *4 30S for each position schematic diagrams See from above sheet, the IPX9K test chamber is completely designed according to the standards, if necessary, the user can request the third-lab calibration certificate. If it is just the one you need, please contact us to get the formal quotation. IPX9K High Pressure High Temperature Jet Nozzle Test Chamber