

目前显示的是 十月, 2019的博文

What is JISD0302?

JISD0302 is the Japanese standard for automobile parts against moisture, rain and spray water. The test grade includes M1, M2, R1, R2, S1, S2, D1, D2 and D3. 1. Classification: Type Symbol Test Purpose Moisture Test M1 Auto parts against moisture M2 Auto parts against high temperature and moisture Spray Test R1 Auto parts against water direct contact R2 Auto parts against rain or spray water indirect contact Jet Test S1 Auto parts against rain or jet water direct contact S2 Auto parts against riptide Immersion Test D1 Auto parts against temporary immersion D2 For checking water immersion auto parts D3 For checking the special purpose auto parts 2. Test Method Type Water Pressure (Mpa) Diameter of Nozzles (mm) Quanity of Nozzles Water Flow (L/min, minimum) Water Temperature (℃) Humidity Temperature difference between EUT and water ( 1 )℃ Tet time Operation M1 - - - - Around 32 Mixe...