

目前显示的是 一月, 2022的博文

IK01 TO IK06 adjustable spring hammer

https://www.pegotester.com/IK02_to_IK06_universal_spring_hammer.html#_pp=0_393_19 IK07 Spring Hammer 1.  Introduction IK07 spring hammer is designed according to IEC60068-2-75, and meet the requirement of IEC60068-2-63, IEC60598 and etc..  IK ratings are defined as IKXX, XX is a number from 00 to 10 which indicates the degrees of protection provided by enclosures against external mechanical impacts.  it is suitable for outer casing, operating rod, handle, knob, indicator light, signal lamp and lampshade of household and similar electronic and electrical products and their accessories and similar equipment, to assess the safety performance and strength level of the product.   2.  Parameter Impact energy 2J 0.14 , 0.2 , 0.35 , 0.5 , 0.7 , 1 J Test IK level IK07 IK01 to IK06 Error ± 5% ± 10% Equivalent mass 50 0g± 5 g 250g± 5 g Radius of hammer R25mm R10mm Weight 1250g 1250g Trigger force < 1 0N < 1 0N Material of hammer steel Polyamide Material of shell S tainless...