

目前显示的是 一月, 2019的博文

PG-NF Needle Flame Test Apparatus compares with IEC60695-5-11

1. Application scope The IEC60695-5-11 specifies a needle test to simulate the effect a small flame which may result from fault conditions, in order to assess by a simulation technique the fire hazard. It is applicable to electro-technical equipment, its sub-assemblies and components and solid electrical insulating materials or other combustible materials.  2. Description of the test apparatus 1) Burner: the burner to produce the test flame shall consist of a tub at least 35mm long with a bore of 0.5mm±0.1mm and an outer diameter not exceeding 0.9mm.The burner is supplied with butane or propane gas having gas having a purity of at least 95%.  PG-NF: The burner is made by stainless steel, the size is Φ 0.5mm ± 0.1mm, outer dia.: ≤Φ 0.9mm, Length: 35mm.  2) Flame: With the axis of the burner in the vertical position, the gas supply is adjusted so that the length of the flame is 12mm±1mm, when viewed in subbdued light against a dark background. The test ti...

Application of needle flame test apparatus according to IEC60695-11-5

IEC60695-11-5 specifies a needle-flame test to simulate the effect of a small flame, which may result from fault conditions, in order to assess by a simulation technique the fire hazard. It is applicable to electrotechnical equipment, its sub assemblies and components and to solid electrical insulating materials or other combustible materials. The needle-flame test apparatus must be designed according to IEC60695-11-5 clause 5, the requirements for burner, flame, chamber, specified layer, timer and etc. are given on clauses 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. The test flame is applied to that part of the surface of the test specimen which is most likely to be affected by flames resulting from normal use or from fault conditions. Generally, the test results have two situations as below: 1) There is no flame and no glowing of the test specimen, and no ignition of the specified layer or wrapping tissue. 2) Flames or glowing of the test specimen and the surrounding parts extinguish w...

Classification of the test probes

According to their designation, the test probes can be classified as: 1)  IP code probes 2)  Other probes According to the kind of protection they are intended to check: 1)  Access probes 2)  Object probes According to the specific hazard they are intended to check: 1)  Probes mainly intended to be used to verify the protection of persons against access to hazardous live parts or hazardous mechanical parts. 2)  Probes specifically intended to be used to verify the protection of persons against access to hazardous mechanical parts. 3)  Probes mainly intended to be used to verify the protection of persons against access to internal parts involving thermal hazard, for instance internal hot or glowing parts. 4)  Probes intended to be used to verify the protection of equipment against ingress of solid foreign objects. Definitions Access probe: a test probe simulating in a conventional manner a part a person or a tool, or the li...