IEC60695-11-5 specifies a needle-flame test to simulate the effect of a small flame, which may result from fault conditions, in order to assess by a simulation technique the fire hazard. It is applicable to electrotechnical equipment, its sub assemblies and components and to solid electrical insulating materials or other combustible materials.
The needle-flame test apparatus must be designed according to IEC60695-11-5 clause 5, the requirements for burner, flame, chamber, specified layer, timer and etc. are given on clauses 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. The test flame is applied to that part of the surface of the test specimen which is most likely to be affected by flames resulting from normal use or from fault conditions.
Generally, the test results have two situations as below:
1) There is no flame and no glowing of the test specimen, and no ignition of the specified layer or wrapping tissue.
2) Flames or glowing of the test specimen and the surrounding parts extinguish within 30s after the removal of the needle flame. Also, the surrounding parts have no burnt away completely an there has been no ignition of the specified layer or wrapping tissue.
The needle flame test apparatus made by Pego is strictly designed according to IEC60695-11-5. Recently, a lab from Chile made an order to Pego, they compared the quality, service and price, finally, they choose us as their supplier. For more details about needle-flame test apparatus, please contact us by