

目前显示的是 五月, 2019的博文

What is the difference between charpy impact test equipment and izod impact test equipment?

1.  D ifferent test standards T he plastic charpy impact test equipment is meet the requirement of ISO179, GB/T1043, GB/T2612, JB/T8762 and GB4742. The izod impact test equipment is meet the requirement of ISO180, ASTMD256, GB/T1843, GB/T2611, JB/T8761 and etc.. 2.  Different impact strength The plastic charpy  impact tester measures the resistance of the material when it is impacted by the pendulum  hammer . The charpy  impact energy is defined as the energy absorbed by the specimen under the impact. It is a performance indicator that can be used in the quality control of production processes and can also be used to compare the toughness of different materials. The  izod  impact tes t equipment  measures the impact resistance of the  material when it is impacted by a pendulum  hammer .  Izod impact strength (notched), notched specimen izod  impact strength is defined as the energy absorbed from the beginning ...