1. Different test standards
The plastic charpy impact test equipment is meet the requirement of ISO179, GB/T1043, GB/T2612, JB/T8762 and GB4742.
The izod impact test equipment is meet the requirement of ISO180, ASTMD256, GB/T1843, GB/T2611, JB/T8761 and etc..
2. Different impact strength
The plastic charpy impact tester measures the resistance of the material when it is impacted by the pendulum hammer. The charpy impact energy is defined as the energy absorbed by the specimen under the impact. It is a performance indicator that can be used in the quality control of production processes and can also be used to compare the toughness of different materials.
The izod impact test equipment measures the impact resistance of the material when it is impacted by a pendulum hammer. Izod impact strength (notched), notched specimen izod impact strength is defined as the energy absorbed from the beginning destruction of the material to the complete destruction. In order to prevent the sample from being damaged, there is a notch in the impacted sample. This test can be used for rapid quality control testing to determine whether a material meets the required impact strength requirements, as well as the material's toughness thermal deformation Vicat analyzer.
3. Different test method
The plastic charpy impact tester is to place the sample horizontally and the ends are not fixed. Release the pendulum hammer to impact the specimen. If the specimen is not damaged, change to a heavier hammer and repeat the above steps until the specimen breaks.
The izod impact tester is that the sample is placed vertically and clamped, and the notched side faces to the edge of the pendulum hammer. Release the pendulum rod to impact the specimen. If the specimen is not damaged, change to a heavier hammer until the specimen breaks. This experiment can also be carried out at a lower temperature.
4. Different Specimen sampling specification
The thickness of the specimen for charpy impact tester is 80*10mm, both notched or non-notched are ok.
The size of the specimen for izod impact tester is 64*12.7*3.2mm (2.5*0.5*0.125 inch), and normal thickness is 3.2mm (0.125inch), and better thickness is 6.4mm (0.25 inch) according to ASTMD256, as the specimen won't be so easy to bend or fragile, the depth of the notch is 10.2mm (0.4 inch). Test specimen is a type 1A multi-purpose specimen with end tabs removed, the size of the specimen after cutting is 80*10*4mm according to ISO179, the depth of notch is 8mm.
5. Different test result
The unit of impact energy of the plastic charpy impact tester is joule (J). The impact strength is the ratio of the impact energy (J) to the cross-sectional area at the notch. The greater the test data, the greater the toughness of the material.
The unit of impact energy of izod impact tester is J/m or ft-lb/in at ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) . The impact strength is obtained by dividing the impact energy (in J or ft-lb) by the thickness of the sample. The test result is usually the average of 5 samples. The unit of ISO impact energy is kJ/m2. The impact strength is the ratio of the impact energy (in J) to the area under the notch. The test result is usually the average of 10 samples. The greater the value of the result, the greater the toughness of the material.
Charpy impact test equipment:
Izod impact test equipment: