Spring impact hammer 1. Introduction Spring hammer is designed according to IEC60068-2-75 Ehb and IEC62262. IK ratings are defined as IKXX, XX is a number from 00 to 10 which indicates the degrees of protection provided by enclosures against external mechanical impacts. The different IK rating relate to the ability of an enclosure to resist impact energy levels measured in joules (J). Spring hammer is from 0.14J to 2J, each energy has a spring hammer, or user can choose universal spring hammer to achieve IK01 to IK06 testing at one time. Degrees of protection against external mechanical impacts IK01 IK02 IK03 IK04 IK05 IK06 IK07 IK08 IK09 IK10 0.14J 0.2J 0.35J 0.5J 0.7J 1J 2J 5J 10J 20J 2. Specification Model Impact Energy IK01 (single) 0.14±0.01J IK02 (single) 0.20±0.02J IK03 (single) 0.35±0.03J IK04 (single) 0.50±0.04J IK05 (single) 0.70±0.05J IK06 (single) 1.00±0.05J Ik07 (single) 2.00±0.10J IK08 (single) 5.00±0.25J IK01-IK06 (universal) 0.14J~1.00J If you find a...