The IK code is a coding system to indicate the degree of protection provided by an enclosure against harmful external mechanical impacts, the standard IEC62262 defines the impact energy corresponding to different IK codes. In general, the degree of protection applies to the complete enclosure. If parts of the enclosure have differing degrees of protection, the latter shall be indicated separately.
IK00 | IK01 | IK02 | IK03 | IK04 | IK05 | IK06 | IK07 | IK08 | IK09 | IK10 | IK11 |
0 | 0.14J | 0.2J | 0.35J | 0.5J | 0.7J | 1J | 2J | 5J | 10J | 20J | 50J |
IK00 - no protection
IK01 - withstands 0.14J impact force (equivalent to the impact of an object weighing 0.25KG falling from a height of 56mm on the surface)
IK02 - Withstand 0.2J impact force (equivalent to the impact of an object weighing 0.25KG falling from a height of 80mm on the surface)
IK03 - Withstand 0.35J impact force (equivalent to the impact of an object weighing 0.2KG falling from a height of 140mm on the surface)
IK04 - Withstand 0.5J impact force (equivalent to the impact of an object weighing 0.25KG falling from a height of 200mm on the surface)
IK05 - Withstands 0.7J impact force (equivalent to the impact of an object weighing 0.25KG falling from a height of 280mm on the surface)
IK06 - Withstand 1J impact force (equivalent to the impact of an object weighing 0.25KG falling from a height of 400mm on the surface)
IK07 - Withstand 2J impact force (equivalent to the impact of an object weighing 0.5KG falling from a height of 400mm on the surface)
IK08 - Withstand 5J impact force (equivalent to the impact of an object weighing 1.7KG falling from a height of 300mm on the surface)
IK09 - Withstand 10J impact force (equivalent to the impact of a 5KG object falling from a height of 200mm on the surface)
IK10 - Withstand 20J impact force (equivalent to the impact of an object weighing 5KG falling from a height of 400mm on the surface)
IK11 - Withstand 50J impact force (equivalent to the impact of an object weighing 10KG falling from a height of 500mm on the surface)
To verify the protection against mechanical impacts, test apparatus described in standard IEC60068-2-75 shall be applied for the test. The standard IEC60068-2-75 mentioned 3 kind of hammers:
Test Eha: Pendulum hammer, can apply to severities from 0.14J (IK01) to 50J (IK111)
Test Ehb: Spring hammer, can apply to severities of 2J and below (IK01 to IK07)
Test Ehc: vertical hammer, can apply to severities of 2J and above (IK07 to IK11)
And annex C of standard IEC60068-2-75 gives the guidance for users to choose the right test apparatus. the choice of the test apparatus depends on the orientation of the surface to be tested and on the energy level. Not all methods can be used in every case. It is self-evident that a pendulum hammer can only be used on vertical surfaces without overhangings. Similarly the vertical hammer can normally only be used on accessible horizontal surfaces. When the specimen cannot be moved or turned, for any reason, the choice is limited. The advantage of the spring hammer is that it can be used in any position, provided there is enough room to apply it correctly, and that the specified impact energy does not exceed 2 J. For higher energy levels, a spring hammer would be too difficult to handle, and could even be hazardous for the operator.
Pego has a complete solution for IK testing, and the equipment can be customized as per the height of the device that will be tested.