For most enterprises, especially the enterprises relatives to electronics, IP grade test is a must to adapt to the customers demands. But how to choose a suitable equipment? According to our experience, we recommend the following equipment: IPX1 and IPX2 vertical drip test equipment: applied to simulate the rain and 15 0 rain conditions. Application scope: mobile phone, tablet PC, camera, voice box, outdoor cabinet and etc. Generally, the producer would be customized the drip board according to sample size. There are three types of drip box, box type, wall-hung type and frame type. IPX3 and IPX4 oscillating tube : Applied to test the protection performance against the raining condition at the angle of 60 0 and 180 0 . Application scope: water heater, washing machine, auto parts, computer, transformer, LED luminaire and etc. The oscillating tube has 8 sizes includes 200mm, 400mm, 600mm, 800mm, 1000mm, 1200mm, 1400mm and 1600mm. There are two types, box t...